Quality Built. On Time. On Budget.
For over 30 years, we have developed specialized services that elevate construction management and engineering support to a gold standard. From on-call projects or major capital improvements, our teams of experts will ensure your projects will be built to the highest standard, on time, and on budget.

Mill Creek Connector Trail
An all-purpose trail starting at beautiful Bacci Park in Cuyahoga Heights.
Clem Macrone Park Improvements
Clem Macrone Park improvements included grading, stormwater infrastructure, landscaping, park paths, reconfiguration of the existing parking lot, a new comfort station building, pavilion structure, and bandstand structure, and two storm water bioretention systems.
Deeds Point Bridge
Walk over water using this pedestrian bridge over the Mad River in Dayton, Ohio.
Cuyahoga County Maintenance Consolidation Yard
Substantial renovations made this consolidation yard look like new. Everything from the parking lot to maintenance shops were upgraded.
Cuyahoga Falls Fire Station 5
Provision of Owner Representative services for a new 2-story fire station in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
Premier ProduceOne Warehouse & Office Renovation
Owner’s Representation services for the produce distribution company to perform renovations to the warehouse space in Cleveland, Ohio.
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Transit Center
Convenient restrooms, food kiosks, and a customer service area were all part of this project in Cleveland.
Crocker Park Site Infrastructure and Garage
Crocker Park got more user-friendly thanks to this project. Three separate parking structures were built along with new American Greetings Corporate offices.
Cleveland East Bank Flats Riverwalk
This project created a vibrant public gathering space on the East Bank of the Cleveland Flats.
CAK International Business Parkway
This project constructed 4,000 lineal feet of new roadway and included sanitary, storm, and water for the CAK International Business Parkway.
Cypress Creek Town Center
A beautiful new retail area in Tampa was the result of this project. Offsite improvements were also included.
Route 82 Widening
A major urban widening and resurfacing project, this expanded S.R. 82 from 3 to 5 lanes. This project improved the safety and flow of traffic along this busy corridor.
Ohio Turnpike Infrastructure & Commission – Repairs & Resurfacing
We have provided contract and administrative support to the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission (OTIC) for more than two decades.
Tower City Bridges
We are proud to have assisted the Ohio Department of Transportation with the Tower City Bridges project.
Rocky River – Riverdale Drive
This road widening project necessitated construction of two retaining walls that were adjacent to private residences. It was a great example of how QCI’s versatile services can help in complex situations.
Lauby Greensburg Road
Lauby Road was expanded and improved with the addition of street lights. A roundabout was also added at the intersection of Lauby and Greensburg Roads.
Shaker Heights Right of Way Inspection
QCI protects our clients and improves the public’s perception of a project by ensuring their property is restored after work takes place.
Ridge Road Sanitary Sewer
QCI understands the importance of underground repairs, ensuring they are placed properly, helping to avoid future costs to the client.
Lime Kiln Dock Extension
Our contract administrators and construction inspectors had many details to oversee, including Marine lighting and the dock’s hydraulic and electrical components.
Cleveland East Bank Bulkhead Flats
This major improvement helped shape the vibrant East Bank of the Flats in Cleveland.
Bradstreet’s Landing Waterfront Improvement
The reconstruction of Rocky River's historic Bradstreet Landing Pier structure and the surrounding groundwork.
Center Street Swing Bridge
The Center Street Swing Bridge spans across the Cuyahoga River in the heart of the Flats District and is a great example of how QCI’s versatile services can help in complex situations.
Radnor Memorial Library Renovation
Renovation and expansion of an existing library to create an vibrant space for visitors
Toll Collection Modernization
Modernization of twenty-nine toll plazas across the Ohio Turnpike.